The staff of our company is highly and continuously trained for unarmed and armed
battle conditions. The danger to the occupation of a security person requires him to
keep his physical state at high levels, as well as possessing knowledge of special
techniques that will give the opportunity to cope with an imminent difficult situation by
cultivating the ability to protect the issue of his/her guard.
Our company is in collaboration with experienced and talented trainers who offer a
wide range of skills in potentially harmful public gathering situations and private
Training specialization ensures maximization of the quality of a guard and in
particular the sensitive security issue of V.I.P because it has strengthened the
confidence of the security person with the knowledge it has acquired to be able to
cope and harmonize with the requirements of the potentially harmful conditions.
Furthermore, our staff is up-to-date and trained in the use of firearms and in terrorist
threat scenarios, having a high level of knowledge of extreme cases of armed conflict
with firearms, as the result of ongoing training abroad by highly qualified and
experienced trainers who provide high quality education according to the standards
of the International Rules.
Specialized training is also provided in accordance with International Standards, on
basic fire safety rules and effective fire response, as well as a thorough knowledge of
First Aid and care of a multi-injured person.